Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our First Blog!

Thats right! I finally did it. I finally created our blog. It seems to be the "cool" thing to do lately. Everyone has blogs anymore. Even my friends dog has one, so it only seemed appropriate that we did too. I mean everyone finds us intresting it seems. We are stopped constantly in stores and seem to make a general scene everywhere we go. So it should mean that people want to read our blog right? I suppose we shall see in time. But for now I guess I should prepare for our fans and introduce the family.

I will start with myself I suppose. I am Summer, and it is my job as the Stay at home parent to try and bring organization to out otherwise chaotic world. I was born in Alaska, but spent the majority of my childhood in Nevada. I now currently reside in Washington state with my family. I am your typical "soccor mom". I drive a mini van, and yes I love my "stretchy" clothes.

Next is the love of my life. Dave. We have been together for nearly 3 years. He is the most amazing man I know. He is an exceptional father, a thoughtful and kind partner. Best of all hes mine =} We are obviously what most call a "blended" family. We have his, hers and ours...and now for our children.

I am going to list our children oldest to youngest. It seems the logical way to do it.

Our oldest daughter "A" I shall call her, is an amazing young lady. "A" was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 3. I have worked and worked and worked with "A" since she was young. Its been a struggle from her diagnosis to now. But its been a path that in many ways has prepared me for my life now. "A" is now in a regular ed 5th grade class room. She has lots of "extra" help but she is doing very well. She has decided to pick up Bass this year. It should be a fun year. Combined with her Archery lessons she has opted for this fall she is doing her part to keep us on our toes. "A" is my daughter from my first marriage.

Next is "K". "K" is a first grader this year. She is one smart cookie! She is our fashion queen, who loves to dress up and has a sense of style all her own. If anyone can pull off stripes, plaids and flowers its "K". She is a bubbly young lady who loves to help people. She is our "Diva" child by far. She is our athletic child, who can go from Soccer to Gymnastics in a blink of an eye and excel at both. "K" has opted for Soccor this fall and I look forward to watching her play. "K" is full sister to "A" above.

Next is "F" my step son. Dave's son from a previous relationship. "F" is generally a quite boy with a smile that wins hearts quickly. He loves cars, and getting dirty. He is very curious child, always wanting to know how things work. "F" is in Kindergarten this year. We are super excited to see him grow and blossom this year! He is taking soccer as well and I am hoping to include boy scouts as well.  "F" has been the center of a major custody battle for the last three years. Between Dave and his biological mother. I am happy to say that is now all over and behind us. "F" is now a full time member of our household.

After "F" comes "T1" and "T2". Boy/girl Fraternal twins. These are "Ours". And complete the "Aerni family of 7". Twins was a real shocker for us, having zero twins in my family, when we tried for "ours" to complete our family. Twins was the last thing on our minds. It has been an intresting time. Our lives certinaly have not been the same. The Twins are now eight months old ~ they are moving around, crawling and scooting to thier hearts content. Causing a general mess for the most part. But they are healthy, happy and that makes us happy.

So there you have it. The Aerni family. While in this blog I have refered to the children as "full siblings" and "Step son" in our house as a rule these terms do not exist. They are Dave's and I's children. They are brothers and sisters. There is zero distinction other then that. In the start of our relationship, Dave and I made it a point to not use such terms. I am not a "step mother" and he is not "step father". We are parents. We have chosen together to raise our children under one umbrella ~ the one of family.  A very important point for both of us.


  1. And I am quite impressed with your blog. Summer. I am glad you are part of my family and I know you and dave will be the best parents ya girl

  2. Great intro post Summer! Can't wait to see more, and love your fb posts as well! Take care!
