Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Adventures in Soccer

This week the Aerni family embarked an a memorable adventure. We started Soccer for F & K. I never knew how horribly funny it could be to watch 5&6 year olds play soccer. Now the kids play on a small team. At this age 4-5 players on a team max is typical, at least in our league. Our team consists of a wide range of kids. We have a total of 5, Three boys and 2 girls. Our team consists of a boy who we refer to as "all star" the kid has moves for being so young. I am sure however he is the youngest in his family and has probably been playing soccer with his older siblings for years now. Then we have another boy, he is still learning, but doesn't give up. Hes always right in there and you can truly see this child is giving his all. I am sure its for the approval of his parents who I will add are always cheering him from the sidelines. Then we have the other girl on the team. It is very obvious that this child has zero interest in being on the soccer field. She has a melt down nearly every time she is there. The first practice I think her parents touched the soccer ball more then she did. They are quite enthusiastic about having her play...her? Not so much. She wears pink everything ~ they even found pink shin guards ~ I am sure to try and bribe her into playing. I feel for this girl she has zero fun

Then you have our kids. K has never really played soccer before but she is picking up pretty quickly. She is VERY competitive and I am confident the biggest thrill she gets out of the entire thing is trying to "beat" the other kids. She needs to work on the whole "team" aspect of things. Once she gets the ball in a game she doesn't want to give it up to anyone! Then there is F. F isnt sure yet if he likes it or not I dont think. He really doesnt like physical activity that much ~ something that we are working hard to change.

Our game consists of Super Star gaining control of the ball, K chasing trying to get it from him, The boy who trys his hardest trailing behind, and F or the I dont want to be here girl following the other kids around...kinda..F usually tries to cover the goal and stop the ball from going in ~ not exacty the thing to do when your teams trying to score..but hey he tries! And the other girl kinda follows way behind everyone else. When there is a collision ~ usually it involves a melt down and "they did it on purpose!" Pink girl tends to cry if her pink gets dirty. Our first game I sat and spent the entire game muffling laughs ~ and cheering for every child who tried to get the ball. It was a great time had by all ~ except T1 who cried every time there was cheering. I do think that boy has his fathers sensitive ears....

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