Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is family?

This time of year you hear many people who are thankful for their family. But who exactly do they mean? Do they mean just their spouse and kids? Maybe their moms, dads, in-laws? Aunts? Uncles? Exactly who is included under the title of "family"? In this day and age there are so many diffrent types of famlies. There are traditional famlies, with Dad and mom, siblings. There are some homes with Just one parent, some with two dads, some with two moms. In some cases grandparents are raising their grandchildren. In others an aunt or an uncle has taken on the challenge or raising children whos biological parents are unable to care for them. Then there are the homes and famlies that have no children ~ Either by choice or inablity to have them. Is blood or marriage the only way one gets dubbed as family? What about those friends who have been there through thick and thin? Who in many ways have been there when your "family" has not been? Are they family too?

For myself the answers are easy. My family is anyone I share blood with, anyone who shares blood with my children. Some find it odd, but this does include my "ex" in-laws. If you share blood with my kids, you are family. Period. Then there is those few select friends who "qualify" as family as well. The children are lucky enough to have several aunts and uncles who share not one drop of blood. It doesnt matter to them that Uncle Jason doesnt share DNA. What matters to them is that he likes to make them laugh, is always up for bear hugs and never fails to say hello. Or Aunt Judy ~ who is always full of hugs and kisses. Is a super fun baby sitter and cuts their hair just like they want it. These are things that they care about.

So this Thanksgiving when I hear people say "Im thankful for my family" in the back of my mind I know that they really mean "I am thankful for those who have touched my life in one way or another."

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