Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Christmas Season is now upon us

The Christmas season is now upon us. It is a time for most that is happy, joyful and fun. There is a magical feel during the Christmas season, when many children are reminded that they have to be good or Santa will not visit them. Its a magical time where children are children, their eyes sparkle with anticipation of the surprises that they know will arrive in such a short amount of time.

The Christmas season is a season of mixed emotions for me. Ten years ago I lost my father to a sudden heart attack on Christmas Eve. This is a bittersweet thing for me, My father LOVED the holidays. It was his favorite time of year. It gave him an excuse to set up his toy trains, the lights, the sounds and smells of Christmas where heavenly for him. It was one of the few times a year my father would go to church. I often went with him on these rare occasions.

One of our favorite holiday traditions was to go shopping on Christmas eve...Thats right my father and I would go to the mall on Christmas eve. Not to shop ~ but to people watch. My dad got a kick out of watching people scurring around trying at the last minute to find things for loved ones...We would laugh and comment between us about the crazy shoppers and try and guess the reason why they where so frantic...The guy at the jewelry store, middle aged. Obviously must be there to try and kiss up to his wife for SOMETHING he did right? The mom with kids in tow? Probably has her Inlaws showing up unexpectedly.....Yup we would guess and we would talk and have just loads of fun.

When my father passed I couldnt stand to look at anything Christmas. It would make me cry, and send me into total depression. Of course it has gotten better of the years. The thought that my fathers last views of this earth was him sitting in his chair next to the Christmas tree ~ used to make me bawl. Now I find comphort in it. Because Dad loved Christmas so...There are joyous things to remember now that help to ease the pain of losing my Dad. This Christmas will be the two year anniversry of Dave proposing to me. The twins will celebrate their first Christmas...and our entire family will be together. There is nothing that I would ever want more.

So this Chistmas season I am remembering my father. I am remembering the man who raised me as his own, who gave me the respect I have for "step parents" who willingly take on the roll of raising another persons children. This Christmas I am thankful that I can look at Christmas lights and smile...

I love you Dad and I miss you. ....

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